Different Drug Tests and Delta 8


 Does delta 8 show up in drug tests? Let's find out!

Delta 8 detection in the body is the most common drug people use to get high. It is a natural substance in many forms, including tablets, capsules, and powder.

Delta 8 detection In the body takes effect when it enters the body through a person's mouth or nose and usually causes euphoria, disorientation, and impaired motor skills. This drug has become increasingly popular over the past few years because of its ability to produce feelings of well-being without any adverse side effects like nausea or vomiting.

You might wonder will one hit of delta 8 show up on drug test or not! So, below are some drug tests that are usually used for delta 8 screening in the system. These tests will also help you find how long for delta 8 to leave system and pass the drug test!

1.     Urine Drug Test

Delta 8 is not detectable in your blood for at least 3-4 days after use. The body metabolizes delta 8 within 48 hours of service and therefore leaves no trace of it in the urine sample if your urine sample is tested within 48 hours after taking out drugs. Therefore, using delta 8 when you are on a short-term detox program or trying to pass a drug test is not recommended.

2.     Blood Drug Test

The blood drug test is the most accurate. It takes about 1-3 days for delta 8 to show up in your blood, so it's faster than a urine and hair test. Medical staff usually perform this test, which is rare in traffic and checking spots.

3.     Oral Drug Test

The oral drug test is the simplest method of testing for Delta 8. It involves testing for delta 8 in your saliva and can be done anytime during your life. The test is most effective if you're between the ages of 20-35 since this is when people typically begin using marijuana or other drugs containing delta 8.

If you are >35 years old and have not used cannabis recently (or ever), it will be harder to get caught by this type of test, but not impossible.

4.     Hair Drug Test

Hair drug tests are a type of body hair test that detect delta 8 for up to 90 days. They're not as common as urine or blood tests but are still more common than saliva tests. Hair follicle cells are easily damaged by exposure to the drug, and this may cause your hair follicles to produce false results. This means you'll need to retest after 90 days if you take delta 8 to keep yourself clean from a positive effect.

Hair follicle cell damage is also a concern when it comes time for retesting since there's no way to know whether you have been exposed during the first test. This test is very rare and usually done in specific cases when testing is necessary.


Delta 8 is a natural compound that several different drug tests can detect due to its breakdown in THC. It has been around since the 1980s but has not been used in North America because it is not considered an effective treatment option. Delta 8 is often prescribed to people with anxiety and depression or those diagnosed with other mental health issues.


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